
Call Of Duty Bot Discord



Modern Warfare Discord Bot

Table of Contents

  • About the Project
  • Built With
  • Getting Started
  • Installation
  • Permissions
    • General
    • Specific
  • Commands
  • Tips
    • Typical arguments
    • Registration saves time
    • Gamertags with spaces
  • All commands
    • Compare
    • Help
    • Join
    • Premium
    • Recent
    • Register
    • Roles
    • Stats
    • Subscribe
    • Support
    • Top
    • Track
    • Unsubscribe
    • Untrack
  • Contact

About The Project

Getting access to your in-game stats should be simple and straight forward, using a clunky mobile application and clicking ten times or bloated websites filled with advertisements is no longer way to go these days...

This project contains hundreds of hours, thousands of coffees and is constantly updated together with major game updates, new gamemodes and general changes.

Built With

This Discord bot was built using many frameworks and packages, some of the more notable being:

  • Bootstrap
  • Laravel
  • VueJS
  • DiscordJS

Getting Started

Installing the bot is as straightforward as any other bot. Simple invite the bot to your server and you should be set!


Instructional video tutorial

Direct install link


The bot requires some permissions on your server to function correctly, make sure the permissions below are given to the bot in the channel you want it to function in:


These permissions are required for the default functionalities of the bot, and should always be set!



  • MANAGE_ROLES: Is required for the role mapping module, all roles the bot should be able to give other members should be placed below the role of the bot itself.
  • ADD_REACTIONS: Is required for the (upcoming) weapon stats and tournament modules.



Typical arguments

The list below is an example of the arguments we would typically expect when found in the syntax of a command.

  • <platform>: pc, battle, act, xbl, psn
  • <gamemode>: all, dom, war, hq, conf, koth, sd, cyber, br, br_dmz, br_all
  • <gametype>: core, hc
  • <timeframe>: lifetime, weekly
  • <limit>: number between 1 and 20

Registration saves time

We strongly recommend you use the !mw register (info) command to register your account, if you don't register you'll have to type the platform (eg. pc, battle, act, xbl, psn) and your gamertag every time you're using a command that targets yourself.

Once you've registered however, you'll be able to use the me shortcut for most of our commands, for example: !mw recent me | !mw stats me br | !mw track me

Registration is also required to be added to the result of any !mw top (info) command result.

Gamertags with spaces

When using an Xbox or Activision gamertag/username that contains a space in the name you should always replace it with a PLUS-sign (+), otherwise the bot will see the parts of the gamertag around the space as separate arguments.

Example: !mw register xbl Name+With+Spaces

All commands

In the syntaxes found below, keep in mind that an argument with [] around it is optional, an argument with <> around it is required.

When using any command, do not type the [, ], < or >, these are only to indicate the type of argument in the syntax

  • Compare
  • Help
  • Join
  • Premium
  • Recent
  • Register
  • Roles
  • Stats
  • Subscribe
  • Support
  • Top
  • Track
  • Unsubscribe
  • Untrack


Syntax: !mw compare <platform1> <gamertag1> <platform2> <gamertag2> [gamemode] [gametype]

  • Description: Compare the stats of two players, you can use mentions, 'me' or a combination of platform & gamertag.

  • Examples: !mw compare me battle iShot#21899 | !mw compare @iShot @Antimated | !mw compare psn Ginger_hagrid xbox killa87thrilla | (example output)


Syntax: !mw help ['here']

  • Description: Receive some helpful information about this bot and it's usage. Add 'here' at the end of the command to post the help message in the channel you posted the command in instead of sending it to you over PM.

  • Examples: !mw help | !mw help here | (example output)


Syntax: !mw join

  • Description: Receive an invite to the Support Discord server for help, updates and news about the bot.

  • Examples: !mw join | (example output)


Syntax: !mw premium

  • Description: Get your current premium status or show information on what this premium is all about.

  • Examples: !mw premium | (example output)


Syntax: !mw recent <platform> <gamertag> [limit]

  • Description: Returns a list of all of your most recent matches (both multiplayer and warzone) with some basic information. Adding a number between 1 and 20 at the end will return a smaller or larger list.

  • Examples: !mw recent me | !mw recent pc iShot#21899 | !mw recent psn noam_124 | !mw recent activision DujardiinSPRT#4143947 20 | (example output)


Syntax: !mw register <platform> <gamertag>

  • Description: Register yourself so you can use the 'me' shorthand in commands that accept it (like '!mw stats me', '!mw recent me', '!mw track me', '!mw top friends me'). More info on why should I register

  • Examples: !mw register pc iShot#21899 | !mw register psn Ginger_hagrid | !mw register xbox killa87thrilla | !mw register xbox Name+With+Spaces | (example output)


Syntax: !mw roles [@mention]

  • Description: Check if you (or the mentioned user) are/is viable for any Discord roles assignment based on your player stats. This will only work if the server you're using the command on has a role mapping configured.

  • Examples: !mw roles | !mw roles @iShot | (example output)


Syntax: !mw stats <platform> <gamertag> [gamemode] [gametype]

  • Description: Request your or any player's ingame stats, if this command was run at least 24 hours earlier, it'll compare the new stats with the stats we last retrieved for this player

  • Examples: !mw stats me tdm hc | !mw stats battle iShot#21899 | !mw stats battle iShot#21899 | !mw stats psn Ginger_hagrid dom | !mw stats xbox killa87thrilla br | !mw stats xbox Deuce+Cassidy tdm hc | (example output)


Syntax: !mw subscribe

  • Description: Subscribe to the periodic notifications sent from the developer of this bot informing you about new functionality updates & news.

  • Examples: !mw subscribe | (example output)


Syntax: !mw support <message>

  • Description: Send a message directly to the developer of the bot, if you need help you can use this to ask your question. We'll send you a reply as soon as we can. For support directly from the community and other frequent users of the bot you can also use the join command to join our Discord server and ask for help there

  • Examples: !mw support What is the meaning of life? | (example output)


Syntax: !mw top <type> <gamemode> [timeframe]

  • Description: Create a leaderboard of a certain type (type 'all': get information on every registered member in this Discord server. type 'here': get information of every registered member that is currently online in the Discord server, you can also use a role (eg. @role_name) as the type to build a leaderboard just for registered members with that discord role). Once the leaderboard is finished it'll post results in your Discord, including a link to a webpage where you can sort, filter and search for specific players, statistics and more.

  • Examples: !mw top all br | !mw top all dom weekly | !mw top here br weekly | (example output) | (example webpage)


Syntax: !mw track <platform> <gamertag> [type]

  • Description: Track a certain player, each new finished game we detect will be publicly posted to the channel the tracking was created in. A default tracker will expire two hours after last activity. A permanent tracker (premium only) will never expire.

  • Examples: !mw track me | !mw track psn noam_124 | !mw track me permanent | (example output)


Syntax: !mw unsubscribe

  • Description: Stop receiving notifications about updates of the Modern Warfare Discord Bot.

  • Examples: !mw unsubscribe | (example output)


Syntax: !mw untrack [tracker ID]

  • Description: Remove a tracking on this server, you can see the active trackings using !mw track or !mw untrack

  • Examples: !mw untrack 69 | !mw untrack | !mw untrack all | (example output)

Andries Verbanck

Call Of Duty Bot Discord


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