
What Is The Best Form Of Advertisement

What Is the Best Form of Advertising Today?

Answers (1-10)

Maury Kosh from The Performance Based Marketing Group

The best form is your message.

No matter the platform digital, paper, or word of mouth your message that compels your prospects to take action and call or visit you is the only thing that will bring you potential new customers.

If your message does not compel your prospects to take action, no advertising will be deemed successful.


Venessa West from Shape Your Biz

There is really no best form. What is best is mixing multiple forms together based on your budget and your target audience. Each business is different. The key is to put yourself where your target audience is, start small and in many different places. Doing this allows you to A/B test what you are doing to learn what is best for your business. Its not about the form of advertising, but what the ROI is from whatever method you go with.

Mark Mehling      ( from Take Control Marketing

The best form of advertising is the one that can profitably get a well crafted message in front of a well researched target market. It can be any media. And use any number of tools in the messaging (such as Steve's outstanding recommendations of celebrities, testimonials, and proof.)

But it's the basic formula that must be followed otherwise it will fail. No matter the media. Market, message, media, and closing/conversion SYSTEMS will beat every other random method and 'hope marketing' out there.


James Thompson from James Thompson GhostWriter | RoadRunner CRM

It really depends on the product, service, delivery method, locale, and advertising budget. Overall, however, most businesses are well served by making their offerings available online--Adwords and social media, life Facebook narrowly target your ads to those who have shown some sign of interest. My company sets up this type of advertising and interacts with prospective customers and clients through automation until they are ready to ask for the product or set up a discussion with a live person. We develop websites, Infusionsoft click funnels, provide content, produce animated videos, etc.

Tom Henry from No Other Name Studios

This may sound dated, but in my opinion, word-of-mouth is still the best form of advertising. I get most of my new clients from current or past clients.

Diana van Eyk from Loving Spoonful Seasonings

Michael Mills from News & Record/  Berkshire Hathaway

I agree that word of mouth is by far the best. But I also know that a stream of new business it important to getting that word of mouth referral.

Bob Holbrook from Holbrook Multi Media, Inc.


This is a question that can't be answered without knowledge of product, market, target and available media.

All media works... to some degree or another with the right message.

This questions, in it's current form is impossible to answer with any accuracy.

Good Luck,

John Carter III from 3rd JC Enterprises LLC

word of mouth.. definitely.

It may manifest across different media but it is still Word of Mouth!

Amber Becerril from Pro-Celebrity by Tee Top of California, Inc

I've found email/online marketing to be successful. E-blasting, Social Media, Online Advertising. As long as all the information is disclosed & the process to purchase is easy, this strategy can be very successful.

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What Is The Best Form Of Advertisement


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